Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Wealth is the gift of God. We are accountable for the wealth God gives us. The Lord does not give us money to lead a luxurious life. It is to help the poor and needy, to promote God's ministry and for our own needs. We have to think about our needs and necessities. What are our priorities in life? Is it to become wealthy and acquire the grandest houses and a fleet of cars?

We are here on earth only for a short time. For that time, we need money to live. The more we give out, the more we get. We must never become victims of wealth. Money is not our master. God is the Master of our wealth. He controls it and releases it as He wills. We must not use any means to acquire wealth other than by the instructions in God's Word.

God is nobody's debtor. You are accountable for the exact amount of money God has given you. If you are poor, you have to account only for that. But if you are rich, you will be called to account for it on a much larger scale. When we spend our money, we must always think carefully about whether we are spending it with the permission of God. Even the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cars we use and the money we spend on our hobbies must be in the will of God.

God gives us money to use for our needs. There is no doubt about that. What are our needs? There are so many needless things that we often think needful. We have to pray and find out the will of God in that particular matter, and before buying it, we must make sure that it is in the will of God.

There are thousands of people around us who are very poor. When we see them, what right have we to spend money to buy unnecessary things? The children of rich parents never lack anything. It is the duty of the parents to teach their children that they are born into a rich family not because of their own merit or their parents' merit but only by God's grace. From childhood onwards, children must be taught about the wise use of money. A lavish lifestyle at home will lead the children to be spendthrifts in future.

It is very important that we should divide our income into three categories: for God's kingdom, for the poor and needy, and for our personal use. If we divide our money in this manner, we will always have enough to give. God-given wealth, whether inherited or by hard work, must be used for God's glory.

© Miriam Jacob


Gender equality is a revolutionary tenet in Christianity. The Bible clearly states: "There is no longer male or female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus" - (Galatians 3:28b). When Christians preach love as a firm foundation of faith, there is no room for gender inequality. Men and women are made in God’s image, blessed by God, and given dominion over creation. They have equal dignity, value and worth - (Genesis 1:27-28). They are equally united with Christ, adopted as children, and heirs of God’s promises - (Galatians 3:28). They have the Holy Spirit poured out on them, empowering them to prophesy - (Acts 2:18). They are recipients of the Spirit of God - (1 Corinthians 12:13, Acts 2), equipping them for ministries - (1 Corinthians 12), none of which are gender differentiated.

In dealing with gender equality, are we tracking the eye of a hurricane? Gender issues turn out to be avid storms in biblical studies. It rides the crest of the wave. It strikes at the heart of the storm. Gender equality has the powerful potential for radical transformation. It transforms the human heart. It makes people humane enough to see their neighbours as themselves, one in Christ.

What does gender and gender equality mean? Gender is a specific identity by our society that defines male and female. Gender equality is the equal rights and responsibilities of men and women, that is not gender differentiated. Beneath the smooth facade of gender equality is a deep-rooted, socio-cultural system that is characterised by inequality, an injustice to be confronted and overcome to give freedom and justice for all. Equality between men and women is a basic human rights issue to deal with.

Where is the Church in this gender debate? How does the Church view gender and gender equality? How does the Bible construct gender according to God's laws? We must bring our beliefs under the spotlight of God’s Word to live our lives in faith. God has given specific principles for His Church.

To study gender roles in the Church, we must obey the Word of God. People must understand that their value does not depend on their gender role but rests solely on their relationship with Jesus Christ. The Word of God defines their roles so that they can live in His will and come under His authority. The Church must reflect what God intends for humanity. When we obey God’s divine plan for His Church, we will become the Church of His heart, His chosen ones.

The Bible affirms the equality and value of men and women concerning their spiritual inheritance. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” - (Genesis 1:27). “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There in neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise”. - (Galatians 3:26-29). In God’s eyes, men and women have equal worth as Christ died for our salvation. Our standing with God depends on our relationship with Him, and not on our gender. God’s love for His Church is reflected in the hearts of His people.

In dealing with gender equality, the Biblical picture of leadership is to serve as the Servant Leader. We are not to claim our rights to authority over others. We must serve one another. True Biblical leadership is the ultimate form of servanthood, walking in the footsteps of the Master. Christ has all power and authority over all the earth. His kingdom reigns over all. Yet He humbled himself more than anyone else. Jesus washed feet and served. Here is a challenge for all who are called to lead in Christ’s Church. This is true Christ-like leadership, following our Master, who served with His life's blood.
© Miriam Jacob


The child in the manger is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God has come to live in our world. 'Christ-mas' means 'Christ Celebration'. "When God brought His Son into the world, all the angels worshipped Him" - (Hebrews 1:6). The angels celebrated his birth like no other in history. Christmas is about Jesus Christ. It is His birthday. As Christians, we must celebrate Christ's birth in our hearts all the time.

Jesus is God's only Son. God sent Him to earth to save us. Our faith is based on the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is the embodiment of God. The Trinity is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christianity is about a Person and a relationship. It is about our relationship with God, who sent His Son to earth to identify with us. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, it is the start of a new relationship with God. We are transformed into His likeness. "God has set eternity in the human heart" - (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Jesus Christ is God's greatest gift to man. At Christmas, God blessed the world with Christ's love. "We because He first loved us" - (1 John 4:19).

"God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life" - (John 3:16). God is our Father. We are His children. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we become children of God.

Christ is God's gift to us at Christmas. After a supernatural conception by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was carried in Mary's womb and born as a helpless, vulnerable, newborn baby. God personally supervised every single detail of His birth, so He was never at risk. “God created perfect seed for the conception that took place in Mary’s womb, thus producing a perfect man of flesh and blood untainted by sin.”
God sent Jesus into the world in a most humble way. Christ's lowly birth was a personal reflection of God's selfless character and tender, compassionate heart. Jesus humbled Himself for our sakes. Christ convicts the human heart. He did not stay in the cradle. He pressed on to conquer.

Both Mary and Joseph had great sanctity of character. They submitted to the Will of God. They obeyed God selflessly and wholeheartedly. Joseph was a just and upright man. Mary was a virgin - pure and chaste. God holds purity in high esteem because He is pure and holy. The mother of our Lord had to be pure. Only an untainted, chaste and pure woman could bear God's child.
Mary was alarmed at the words of the angel but she submitted obediently to the Will and Word of God. She agreed to a divine assignment, a royal commission. She said yes to God. Nothing else mattered to her. Mary was pliable in the Hands of God, ready to do His bidding at any cost.
When Mary submitted to God's Will, she had to endure much pain. In the ninth month of her pregnancy, she had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem on a donkey to be enrolled and registered in the national census of the whole Roman empire.

When the time came for Mary to give birth, there was no room for them to stay at the inn. She had to deliver her baby in a stable. There, in the most humble and lowly of places, Mary gave birth to her Son, her Firstborn. She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger.
Joseph was confronted with a terrible crisis and unimaginable dilemma. Imagine his utter shock and great distress on hearing the unexpected news! God sprung a divine surprise on him, one that would shake the core of his very being. God did not get his approval before He conceived Christ in Mary's womb. The Creator did not require his permission to do so.

Joseph sacrificed his interests for the work of God to be fulfilled in their lives. He was far more concerned about Mary's reputation than about the deep, personal hurt he had to endure on account of the virgin birth. Both Mary and Joseph persevered against all odds and endured great hardship and difficulty as they selflessly and sacrificially fulfilled their divine commission of delivering the Son of God to the world.

Joseph was a devout, humble man of simple faith and of a kind and gentle nature. He was obedient and submissive to the Will of God. He was very self-effacing. Not a single word of his is recorded in the Gospels. He gently fades into the background. Joseph was a man of impeccable character and sterling qualities. The exemplary way in which he treated Mary with the utmost kindness, gentleness and delicacy, in the most trying and difficult of circumstances, clearly indicates a man of high moral standards.

Such a man was Joseph, compassionate and considerate, just and upright, with a deep, innate sense of justice, who walked in the paths of righteousness and mercy, as revealed in God's law. Only under the deep scrutiny of the most severe stresses and strains of life does the true character of a man emerge. Joseph did not fail his greatest test. He believed God against all odds. That is why God entrusted him with the greatest treasure this world has ever seen, a treasure infinitely more precious than the human mind can ever conceive.

Mary was the humble recipient of God's favor, chosen to be the mother of heaven's greatest gift to mankind. God partnered with her in an unprecedented act of creation, unique in the history of the world. It was a rare honor of unparalleled distinction, never bestowed upon anyone else.
The Magnificat, Mary's hymn of praise, glorifies God for what He has already done, and for what He is about to do. Her glory is humbly reflected in the glory of her Son. She seeks nothing for herself. Mary is the faithful witness and spirit-filled singer of the astounding deliverance God wrought through the fruit of her womb - Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. 

© Miriam Jacob


Creativity brings our vivid imaginative ideas into the bright light of reality. Imagination gives us ideas but if we do not transform them into reality, we are not creative. Creativity brings a new idea into existence in a mind-revealing experience of deeply heightened awareness and consciousness.
Innovation implements an idea. For innovation to flourish, we must create an atmosphere that fosters creativity. Innovation is a special combination of invention and insight, a mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Creativity is the ability to perceive the world in brand new ways, to bring hidden patterns into existence and to make brilliant new connections.We live in the sparkling new age of creativity, with the high-tech information age of knowledge scientists and brilliant conceptual age of creators and artists. All people are naturally creative.
Creativity is a skill that can be developed. It starts with a fount of knowledge, as we strive to learn a particular discipline, and to master a unique way of thinking. Creativity follows its own set of rules. We are creations of God.
Creativity is the God-force speaking through us. This is creativity for God’s sake. Creativity is God's special gift to us and we honor our Creator when we use this great God-given gift for His glory. Creativity requires the innate courage and determination to throw certainties to the wind and launch out into the strange unknown.
Creativity is that rare combination that results in amazing new ideas and daring, mind-boggling innovations. We need to reach deep down into our hearts to give shape to a series of brand new ideas. There can be no creativity with formal constraints and restraints hedging us in. We need to have the freedom to break out of our shells and create new worlds to sing in.
To be creative, we must break out of previously established patterns to view things in an entirely new and totally different light. Creativity is the heart and soul of the truly enlightened scholar. When you get a hunch about what to create, that is creativity speaking to you.
The fields of imagination must be very carefully cultivated and harvested. The fires of invention must be tended with temperate caution. The fear of going wrong can be the graveyard of creativity.
Creativity constantly invents and re-invents itself in a dazzling blaze of glory. Creativity is a beautiful vision about to be born. The creative act of originality is the seed of true creativity.
Christians use the power of a sanctified imagination to enhance their creativity. The Holy Spirit sanctifies our imagination and inspires us to create new things in our minds and to notice similarities between things that are apparently dissimilar. The imagination helps us to perceive what our senses are not aware of. With the power of our imagination, we are able to see the reality that lies beyond the senses.
Every new invention started with an idea. The inventor used familiar ideas to create a new thing that did not exist before. Every talent comes from God, and when we create things, we prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that we were made in the image of our Creator.
The cleansed and sanctified imagination of a Christian has the power to perceive spiritual things in the natural world. Jesus Christ has amazing powers of spiritual penetration and moral sensitivity. 

The Christian, who is inspired by the Holy Spirit, has a purified and Spirit-controlled imagination, divinely blessed with the gift of seeing, and the supernatural power to peer beyond the veil and see the holy and eternal things that God, in His great mercy, allows to be revealed to man.
© Miriam Jacob


Christian entertainment is a most important part of the issues facing Christians today. Our youth need good and healthy forms of entertainment. There are complex questions to deal with. Does Christian entertainment have a high moral standard to maintain? Can Christians keep a pure reputation to pursue a career in the entertainment media? Pray for Christian discernment in a mass media culture to gain valuable insights on how to live a spiritual life in a global, high-tech information and entertainment culture. It is all about forming correct Christian values and ideals in the media age. Christians must celebrate the saving power of Christ in all spheres of life including the entertainment media.

Public opinion and culture is hugely shaped, expressed, controlled and dominated by the global communication media conglomerate. Christian discernment observes our mass media culture with the eyes and ears of Christ to ascertain the real values that control our cultural environment. It has the innate power to discern how the media is actively used to shape our lives. What truly inspires our sensibilities and moral sense? Which kind of comedy amuses us to the point of healthy laughter? What makes a drama particularly appealing to our artistic and aesthetic senses? Which new film or refreshing sound of music awakens us to admiration, awe and wonder?

The media provides a constant and steady stream of news, information and entertainment. Our senses are avidly bombarded by sensational news and a vast variety of conflicting opinions and views, to highlight the vivid images, graphic sights and high-tech sounds on the computer, internet, radio and television, and the printed newspaper, magazines and books that keeps us dramatically up-to-date. Today, the staggering influence of mass media like the internet and television is absolutely mind-boggling as it constantly conveys a continually relentless stream of information and entertainment instantaneously and simultaneously to people around the globe.

Critical awareness analyzes media content. Christian discernment requires silence and solitude in our life, peace and quiet amid the daily routines, precious moments to listen to God and to be creative in our media use, an integral part of our whole lives. A culture is a mutually shared view, a joint collaboration of values, ideas and ideals. Songs, stories, dramas and news highlight the issues and conflicts of our culture. This is a selective interpretation of reality, not a transparent view of reality. Mass media reflects our culture socially, politically and culturally.

Critical awareness generates a critical appreciation of media content to enrich our lives and culture. Look for quality content that inspires and educates society. Be active users, alert and conscious of how the media subtly integrates into our lives. Mass media has the great potential to enrich our lives. Christians must find ways to improve media content effectively. Critical awareness of mass media content deepens our perception of media culture. It allows us to communicate better in our daily lives. As we reflect on the communication process of the mass media, critical awareness highlights the basic defects and deficiencies of communication. Christian discernment sees the numerous faults and flaws of the media with wide-open eyes.

Genuine communication builds up a common understanding in which great values and ideals are shared with a courageous and fearless dedication to truth. It gives us the power to agree or disagree in an atmosphere of bonhomie, camaraderie and co-operation. Our disagreements are safely cocooned within a framework of mutual respect and understanding. Communication celebrates human dignity and equality for all. At the heart of communication is the true willingness to listen more to what is not said than to what is actually said. This is the art of great communication that has the power to move hearts.

A contemplative spirit integrates critical awareness into daily Christian living. It opens our life to the power of prayer, a glorious testimony and powerful witness to the work of God in our lives. It helps us to see with Christ's eyes and hear with Christ's ears, as we pray for justice and forgiveness, mercy and peace in the world. The media educates us to see the dignity and beauty of the world, with inspiring stories of selfless courage and bravery, using pictures, videos and films to heighten our understanding of the human heart.

Christians in the entertainment media are witnesses to the "Good News" of Christ, torch-bearers to shine His light upon the world. The love of Christ transforms the lives of people daily. Christian discernment in a media culture allows us to see what is truly valuable in life, endows us with a Christ-like love and deep-sighted reverence for our honorable culture under the true standard of Christ. Raise the banner for Christ and His cause!

 © Miriam Jacob

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Creativity brings our vivid imaginative ideas into the bright light of reality. Imagination gives us ideas but if we do not transform them into reality, we are not creative. Creativity brings a new idea into existence in a mind-revealing experience of deeply heightened awareness and consciousness.
Innovation implements an idea. For innovation to flourish, we must create an atmosphere that fosters creativity. Innovation is a special combination of invention and insight, a mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Creativity is the ability to perceive the world in brand new ways, to bring hidden patterns into existence and to make brilliant new connections.We live in the sparkling new age of creativity, with the high-tech information age of knowledge scientists and brilliant conceptual age of creators and artists. All people are naturally creative.
Creativity is a skill that can be developed. It starts with a fount of knowledge, as we strive to learn a particular discipline, and to master a unique way of thinking. Creativity follows its own set of rules. We are creations of God.
Creativity is the God-force speaking through us. This is creativity for God’s sake. Creativity is God's special gift to us and we honor our Creator when we use this great God-given gift for His glory. Creativity requires the innate courage and determination to throw certainties to the wind and launch out into the strange unknown.
Creativity is that rare combination that results in amazing new ideas and daring, mind-boggling innovations. We need to reach deep down into our hearts to give shape to a series of brand new ideas. There can be no creativity with formal constraints and restraints hedging us in. We need to have the freedom to break out of our shells and create new worlds to sing in.
To be creative, we must break out of previously established patterns to view things in an entirely new and totally different light. Creativity is the heart and soul of the truly enlightened scholar. When you get a hunch about what to create, that is creativity speaking to you.
The fields of imagination must be very carefully cultivated and harvested. The fires of invention must be tended with temperate caution. The fear of going wrong can be the graveyard of creativity.
Creativity constantly invents and re-invents itself in a dazzling blaze of glory. Creativity is a beautiful vision about to be born. The creative act of originality is the seed of true creativity.
Christians use the power of a sanctified imagination to enhance their creativity. The Holy Spirit sanctifies our imagination and inspires us to create new things in our minds and to notice similarities between things that are apparently dissimilar. The imagination helps us to perceive what our senses are not aware of. With the power of our imagination, we are able to see the reality that lies beyond the senses.
Every new invention started with an idea. The inventor used familiar ideas to create a new thing that did not exist before. Every talent comes from God, and when we create things, we prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that we were made in the image of our Creator.
The cleansed and sanctified imagination of a Christian has the power to perceive spiritual things in the natural world. Jesus Christ has amazing powers of spiritual penetration and moral sensitivity. The Christian, who is inspired by the Holy Spirit, has a purified and Spirit-controlled imagination, divinely blessed with the gift of seeing, and the supernatural power to peer beyond the veil and see the holy and eternal things that God, in His great mercy, allows to be revealed to man.
© Miriam Jacob


Christians are made in the image of God, our Creator, to create music and art to praise His name. Music sets the truths of the Christian gospel in musical form to praise the Creator. The tone and fabric of our lives is set to music by the art we create for God’s glory. Christian artists work from a deep faith in the heart, in a tryst with God, their destiny. Everything glorifies God in nature and in life, from the least to the greatest. When artists study the world God has created in such exquisite and intricate detail, their work takes on an added depth and beauty. This is art, drawn with passion and integrity, to celebrate the beauty of the world, God’s amazing handiwork.

Do Christians care about music and art? We cannot ignore the arts, whether we like it or not. Wherever we look around us, we are confronted by art in the beauty of nature and on the canvas of life. It creates the vivid, imaginative world in which we live. Artistic media shapes the creative consciousness of our culture in a unique way. Worship use words and music in artistic form. God is the great Artist who holds the world in the palm of His hand, the Sculptor who shaped man out of dust, the Musician who composed songs and lyrics to sing.
The only reason for man’s existence is to glorify God. We are made to create music and art to honor Him and His amazing creative power. We celebrate His creativity, as we respond to His grace. God spoke creation into being. God breathed life into us. “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord” - (Psalm 150:6). All creation excitedly pulsates with life. His mercies are new every morning. Through our music and art, we offer the sacrifice of praise to God.
What is the function of Christian art? The church needs arts to present the gospel to modern culture. Christian artists must consider what their artwork reveals to the world. Does it create the greatest impact for the Kingdom of God? Created art reflects the soul of the creator. When Christian artists love God with all their hearts, their creativity is inspired by their love for God. Art speaks loudly to the culture of our times.
Music is an expression to worship the Creator. Worship is an act of reverence. Every great work of music is created for the glory of God. The classic hymns of the Christian faith, presented in a two-thousand year repertoire of music in Christian hymnody, reverberates awesomely through the ages of time. Hymns are distilled from the spiritual truths of God, to lead us to praise and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Hymns have a timeless and eternal freshness and power. They are a veritable fountain of divine edification. Hymns and songs proclaim God’s truth. Just like the well-gleaned promises of the Bible, a hymn is available for each need of ours, covering every single circumstance we will ever face in life.
God blesses people in every age and clime with the amazing ability to compose songs and music to glorify His name in all the earth. Sifting through the overarching heritage of our hymnody, we come to the root core of praise. The history of the church is recorded in her soul-stirring hymns while the story of Christianity can be read in its inspiring songs. All creation sings God’s praise in a magnificent crescendo of sights and sounds as nature magnifies its Creator. The Lord created us with an extraordinary capability and unique capacity for music and song. We are designed and destined to sing His glorious praises. God loves music. He lives in the heart of our praises. When we sing His praises, our spirits respond to God’s truth. God sings through the voice of His church.
Christian artwork is as relevant today as it was in the past. It has stood the test of time for centuries. The artwork of the great artists of all time testify to the importance of art in history. Christian art is a way to teach Biblical truth to people, an art unsurpassed in the art world. Students of art study paintings and sculpture to bring the Bible alive, bridging the wide gap between Christians and modern culture, shattering the barrier between church and state and giving voice to Christian principles.
Each form of art has its own place and is powerful in its own right. Christian artwork is a modern-day parable speaking to a new culture. Christian artists reflect truth in their art to appeal to the modern culture around them, a perfect set up for the Christian artist to impact and influence the world. Artists create art for the glory of God to make an lasting impact on people. Using imaginative and innovative ways to accomplish this is the ultimate challenge of the day, just as it was in time immemorial.
We cannot underestimate the importance and significance of prayer in the creative process. Prayer connects Christian artists with a creative God, who inspires them to create music and art. Prayer purifies and softens the heart of the Christian artist, who is Spirit-led, as the Holy Spirit resides within.
Faith is the foundation of the Christian’s intellect. “By faith, we understand” – (Hebrews 11:3). Faith does not need understanding to work. This is blind faith. Faith does not need all the answers. It flows in the Spirit and seeks solutions that are out of this world. “The one who joins to the Lord is one spirit with Him” – (1 Corinthians 6:17). Connecting with the Lord of Creation opens up the clogged lines of dialogue and communication, drawing creativity and fresh inspiration from the author of Creativity.
Creativity is an integral part of the Christian life. It is the Christian’s birthright. Man was made in the image of God. We were created to create. The Bible opens with a dramatic flourish of creativity as God creates the universe. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1). God is the greatest artist of all time. He unveils his handiwork with His imprint. 
It is all about creating art through the Holy Spirit. Our hearts must receive creative inputs from the Holy Spirit. Why don’t you invite the Holy Spirit to create art with you? He longs to be involved in every aspect of your life. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to partner with you creatively by acknowledging your God-given imagination. God gave you an imagination for a reason. It is to do some Holy Spirit-inspired creating. Dedicate your imagination to the Lord. Ask Him to fill it with inspiring ideas and thoughts. 

The Bible is full of God using out-of-the-box ideas to communicate to His people. Focus on the goodness of the Lord. As you do this, you will taste the sweet fellowship of a good relationship with the Lord. 
Christian art influences the world. Let your life and artwork tell the world about God. How is the world influenced by art? Turn on the radio, television and internet to find out. Art is all around us. 

How does a Christian fit into this creative world of art? Ephesians 2:10 states, “We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” We are God's artwork created to influence the world around us. 

Creativity boldly acknowledges who you are in Christ, as you submit yourself to Him wholeheartedly, to be used as He chooses. Our lives are living testimonies for the Kingdom of God. What kind of story does your life tell to a world that thirsts for a touch from God? Let us reflect the glory of God in our lives, and create art to attract people into the Kingdom.

© Miriam Jacob